Friday 17 July 2015

Do we bow to 33 Crore Devtas

Let me be very clear "DEVTA in NOT the GOD." Devta means the 'giver' - who gives you something. That can be Surya Dev, Shani Dev, Brahm Dev etc. Refer to GEETA and Krishna says GOD is ONE and is present in the hearts of  everyone. (Devta naam ki koi cheez is sansaar mein nahi hai). The is no existence of anything as devta in this universe. It is the faith combined with fear and greed that we surrender to the unknown Devta to avoid some misfortune or to demand something. Krishna clearly says that it is only GOD who listens to your prayers and fulfills your demands from behind your self created Devta for fear or greed. We all know that one who originates fear or fulfills our wish by hurting other person can never be GOD. GOD is love and  mercy, and we are all equal in HIS eyes: a student or a professor, a king or a beggar, a dacoit of a social servant. Krishna further says that the toughest thing to the path of God is to leave behind all the baggage of or mind put by our parents, relatives and even teachers regarding religion, traditions, rituals etc. Only then we can search our ATMAN which is a part of the divine Himself. We have seen generations worshiping a particular DEVTA. The kids of  coming generations accept it without questioning. The Devta becomes the GOD for them and the ritual continues without an end. I appeal the new generation to know yourself more and reach the real GOD inside you. Don't make God far from you by looking at the sky , at religious hubs, or even in the temples. He is right there inside all of us, ready to liberate us from all the fears and greed.
We just need to accept ourselves as a part of Him and all our efforts should be in line with what our heart approves. Our heart never guide us to any of the wrongdoing, whatsoever.
It is still very sad to see the students of my PG classes visiting Shani DEV or Hanuman Mandir just out of fear. Please don't fell prey to the so called religious Pujaris just to make their living. Let them also search the true meaning of GOD and not a Devta who scares.