Monday 20 July 2015

Transform your fear to freedom

We all are programmed to believe in heaven and hell, ' Swarg and Nark'. We simply behave as the society want us to. The society wants a God fearing social animal in all of us who follows all the established faiths and traditions, no matter how illogical. Our teachers, parents and elders teach us about the right and wrong, swarg and nark. Swarg generally means some place beyond our reach which is full of all the luxuries of life and even with tempting apsaras. Nark is again not reachable but have opposite characteristics of grave fear and pain. Krishna says that there is no existence of any other world , no heaven and no hell. Swarg simply means the ability to transmute oneself in the swar / 'sound' of AUM or any other relaxing sound. "Swar mein vicharan karne ki kshamta hi Swarg hai." Krishna himself says that it is attainable through YOG or meditation. All the mahayogis live in Swarg . The absence of this stage is Nark. A normal person is not able to stop his thoughts, avoiding this union of being with the eternal sound. By practice anyone can attain this stage. We all have the capacity to stop our thoughts through YOG/ Meditation. The moment this unending process stops, we immediately enter inside of us, we can listen the very sound of our existence. That stage is not comparable to anything else. Once in, we become united with the GOD , with the universe. There remains no difference in present or future. Time stops. That period is the first stage or gateway to SWARG. Yogis call it ANAND, JOY, etc. Our ATMAN is Far more beautiful than any imaginable apsara. To devoid oneself of this JOY is NARK. 
Be free from the fears of swarg or nark , we are here as divine fraction of the SUPERSOUL. Nobody has ever seen the SWARG or the NARK. Only the Yogis can describe both with their journey of YOG.

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